A Type 1 Diabetes Book Launch!


It’s T1D book launch time! I am pleased to announce that I have launched my book in English and Spanish, “A Thriving Diabetic” and “Una diabética que ha salido adelante!

These books mean a lot to me! Why? I am finally sharing the story of my own diagnosis, and how I have learned to accept and understand diabetes. As a teacher, I believe that representation and interactive texts are important for our children. I tried to include both in my story to fully engage children. I truly hope these books help children feel like they are able to see themselves in the story!


I am currently looking for T1Ds or families affected by T1D who will read and leave an honest review of the story. If you are interested, please reach out to me on here or on Instagram and I will get the book right over to you. The books can also be found here on Amazon (English Version) or here (Spanish Version). All links to diabetes resources and journals I have created can be viewed on my Linktree!

Story description in English and Spanish:

A diagnosis story that teaches about Type 1 Diabetes!

This book is the perfect gift for a newly diagnosed Type 1 Diabetic child or for the sibling of a diabetic. Life with diabetes is challenging, and this book breaks down some important vocabulary words through the diagnosis story of a young girl. The story is interactive and is meant to spark conversations between children and adults. Additionally, children will learn about affirmations which can be used as a tool to release the worry and fear that may come with a new diagnosis. Please enjoy this book and join a community that thrives!
  • Visit: www.thrivingdiabetic.org to share your own story or the story of your loved one
  • Share your own affirmations using our hashtag #athrivingdiabetic on Instagram
¡Un cuento de diagnóstico que enseña sobre la diabetes tipo 1!

Este libro es el regalo perfecto para un niño con diabetes tipo 1 recién diagnosticado o para el hermano de un diabético. La vida con diabetes es un desafío, y este libro desglosa algunas palabras importantes del vocabulario a través de la historia del diagnóstico de un niño. El cuento es interactivo y está destinado a iniciar conversaciones entre niños y adultos. Además, los niños aprenderán acerca de las afirmaciones que pueden usarse como una herramienta para liberar la preocupación y el miedo que pueden surgir con un nuevo diagnóstico. ¡Disfrute de este libro y únase a una comunidad que prospera!

Visite: www.thrivingdiabetic.org para compartir su propia historia o la historia de su ser querido

Comparta sus propias afirmaciones usando nuestro hashtag #athrivingdiabeticen Instagram

Thank you / Muchas Gracias for reading about my T1D book launch!

Stephanie ( Thriving Diabetic )


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