Feature Friday today is from Jane & Josh from Seattle, Washington!
This is where 4 year old Josh and his mother Jane live. Although being a caregiver with diabetes has brought their family many challenges, they remain positive and hopeful! Jane’s attention and focus on Josh and his well-being helps her to thrive with diabetes. As a fellow mother, I have so much respect for Jane and want her to know that she is part of a community of diabetic warriors! Read on to learn more about this beautiful family and what is helping them in their diabetic journey…
Caregiver of a T1D
Sometimes it’s stressful being a caregiver because my child is too young to understand how to care for himself yet.
Career in the Field of Medicine
I am a medical social worker that primarily work with older adults. I support patients and their loved ones with coping with their diagnosis, however when my son was diagnosed it felt completely new and scary. My son is an active happy 4 year old boy. He is very playful and he doesn’t let anything stop him.
Diagnosis Story
Josh was diagnosed in August 2021.
I noticed he was wetting the bed and incredibly thirsty. He craved water all the time for 3 days I watched him and prayed to be wrong but I suspected it was early signs of type 1 and I was right when i taken him to the doctor and his blood glucose was over 400 and positce for ketones. They said we were fortunate he was not very sick.
Initial thoughts
I was devastated. I thought my child could never live a normal life and wouldn’t be able to do sports.
Diabetic tip/trick
In the hospital, Josh was fearful of the injections and would hide under the bed. The child life specialist brought a toy medical set and let him pretect to give injection to his favorite doll (woody from toy story) after that Josh felt like he could be brave. A tip once we got home is not taking the blood glucose personally… like a personal failure for the highs or lows just correct and move on.
What thrive means…
Thrive means to live life to the fullest. Thrive means not just getting by but making every day meaningful.
What helps you as the caregiver and your child thrive with diabetes?
Seeing my son’s smile, his joyous laughter and engaging in normal activities helps me thrive as a caregiver. The dexcom CGM help me relax and let my child be a kid.
I wish someone told me…
Insulin is your child best friend, don’t be afraid to give and don’t be down if your child needs more of it.
Words of Encouragement
You are not alone there are so many families and children impacted by this disorder, one day there will be a cure but in the meantime take advantage of the medical advancements because they are great.
Final thoughts
Online support groups have saved me from feeling alone and in self pity.
♡ Jane
Find Jane & Josh on IG at @janiemae2018 ! If you enjoyed reading this, check out an awesome Type 1 Diabetic who was interviewed last week.
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