Welcome to the Thriving Diabetic blog! Where we discuss all things diabetes.
Why start a diabetic blog? I have been on the Diabetic Online Community (DOC) for 7 months now, however, I have had diabetes for 21 years! For me, starting a blog feels crazy and heres why… I never enjoyed talking about diabetes growing up, and that didn’t magically change for me as an adult either. In addition, I don’t like pouring my heart out through my writing. Despite these things, I have noticed that there was something missing for the families affected by Type 1 Diabetes. This blog is something that I am doing for others but also for myself. Giving others hope, gives me hope. I hope you feel the same when you share your story too!
What is the purpose of this blog? The purpose is highlighted in my mission and vision statement. The Thriving Diabetic Blog’s aim is to bring hope and support to families who have children with Type 1 Diabetes. The vision is to share stories and information that will help us all thrive as diabetics! You don’t have to be a parent of a T1D to enjoy or participate in the blog, if you yourself has diabetes- I would love to share your story too.
What is involved in a “blog feature” on Thriving Diabetic? I will send you interview questions via e-mail or through Instagram. First, you respond with your answers. Then, you can send a clear photo of you and your child or only you (if you are submitting for yourself). I will do the feature on both this blog and on Instagram. The posting time will be once per week to start.
What can I do if I want to be featured in your blog? Reach out on the contact form here on the website or through Instagram. I check Instagram daily and will respond when your message has been received.
I hope this answers some questions and I can’t wait to begin this amazing journey with you all!
Keep thriving,
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